GTA 5 Cheats – GTA 5 is one of the few games in which you can still officially use cheats. This may not be new to anyone who has been playing on the PlayStation, Xbox or PC for years. For those who have picked up “GTA 5” for free in the Epic Store for the PC, maybe already. Rockstar Games gives you a lot of freedom to experiment with a wide variety of effects. Regardless of whether you want to change the weather, make vehicles appear, override gravity, unlock weapons or just want to be invulnerable, there is a suitable command for everything. On this page you will find an overview of all current cheats and commands.
Content – GTA 5 cheats for PC, PS4 and Xbox
Enter cheat codes either by pressing a button (PS4 and Xbox), phone or console (PC).
All codes for weapons, combat and the game world of GTA 5
GTA 5 – weapons and ammunition
Got all weapons with ammunition
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-866-587
- Console command (PC): TOOLUP
- PS4 / PS3: triangle, R2, left, L1, cross, right, triangle, down, square, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, RT, left, LB, A, right, Y, down, X, LB, LB, LB
Explosive ammunition
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-444-439
- Console command (PC): HIGHEX
- PS4 / PS3: right, square, cross, left, R1, R2, left, right, right, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: right, X, A, left, RB, RT, left, right, right, LB, LB, L1
Incendiary ammunition
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-462-363-4279
- Console command (PC): INCENDIARY
- PS4 / PS3: L1, R1, square, R1, left, R2, R1, left, square, right, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: LB, RB, X, RB, left, RT, RB, left, X, right, LB, LB
Black cell phone (causes explosions)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-367-3767
- Console command (PC): EMPEROR or EMP-DROP
- PS4 / PS3: –
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: –
GTA 5 – Combat and Character
Godmode (immortality for 5 minutes)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-724-654-5537
- Console command (PC): PAINKILLER
- PS4 / PS3: right, cross, right, left, right, R1, right, left, cross, triangle
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: right, A, right, left, right, RB, right, left, A, Y
Fully restore health and armor
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-887-853
- Console command (PC): TURTLE
- PS4 / PS3: circle, L1, triangle, R2, cross, square, circle, right, square, L1, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, right, X, LB, LB, LB
Explosive melee attacks
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-4684-2637
- Console command (PC): HOTHANDS
- PS4 / PS3: right, left, cross, triangle, R1, circle, circle, circle, L2
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: right, left, A, Y, RB, B, B, B, LT
Slow motion when aiming (3 levels, repeated input increases level)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-332-3393
- Console command (PC): DEADEYE
- PS4 / PS3: square, L2, R1, triangle, left, square, L2, right, cross
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: X, LT, RB, Y, left, X, LT, right, A
Run faster
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-2288-463
- Console command (PC): CATCHME
- PS4 / PS3: triangle, left, right, right, L2, L1, square
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, left, right, right, LT, LB, cross
Swim faster
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-4684-4557
- Console command (PC): GOTGILLS
- PS4 / PS3: left, L1, right, right, R2, left, L2, right
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: left, left, LB, right, right, RT, left, LT, right
Charge your character’s special abilities
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-769-3787
- Console command (PC): POWER-UP
- PS4 / PS3: Cross, Cross, Square, R1, L1, Cross, Right, Left, Cross
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: A, A, X, RB, LB, A, right, left, A
Super jump (the longer you press the jump button, the more you jump)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-467-8648
- Console command (PC): HOPTOIT
- PS4 / PS3: left, left, triangle, triangle, right, right, left, right, square, R1, R2
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: left, left, Y, Y, right, right, left, right, X, RB, RT
Getting drunk
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-547-861
- Console command (PC): LIQUOR
- PS4 / PS3: triangle, right, right, left, right, square, circle, left
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, right, right, left, right, X, B, left
Free fall from the sky without a parachute (Skyfall)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-759-3255
- Console command (PC): SKYFALL
- PS4 / PS3: L1, L2, R1, R2, left, right, left, right, L1, L2, R1, R2, left, right, left, right
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: LB, LT, RB, RT, left, right, left, right, LB, LT, RB, RT, left, right, left, right
Get parachute
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-759-3483
- Console command (PC): SKYDIVE
- PS4 / PS3: left, right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, left, left, right, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: left, right, LB, LT, RB, RT, RT, left, left, right, LB
GTA 5 – game world and environment
Lower the wanted level
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-5299-3787
- Console command (PC): LAWYERUP
- PS4 / PS3: R1, R1, circle, R2, right, left, right, left, right, left
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, RB, B, RT, right, left, right, left, right, left
Increase wanted level
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-3844-8483
- Console command (PC): FUGITIVE
- PS4 / PS3: R1, R1, circle, R2, left, right, left, right, left, right
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, RB, B, RT, left, right, left, right, left, right
Change weather (9 levels, repeated input to change weather)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-625-348-7246
- Console command (PC): MAKEITRAIN
- PS4 / PS3: R2, cross, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, square
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: RT, A, LB, LB, LT, LT, LT, X
Sliding cars
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-766-9329
- Console command (PC): SNOWDAY
- PS4 / PS3: triangle, R1, R1, left, R1, L1, R2, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, RB, RB, left, RB, LB, RT, LB
Slow motion (3 levels, repeated input increases level)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-756-966
- Console command (PC): SLOWMO
- PS4 / PS3: triangle, left, right, right, square, R2, R1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: Y, left, right, right, X, RT, RB
Decrease gravity (moon gravity)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-356-2837
- Console command (PC): FLOATER
- PS4 / PS3: left left, L1, R1, L1, right, left, L1, left
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: left, left, LB, RB, LB, right, left, LB, left
Director mode
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-5782-5368
- Console command (PC): JRTALENT
- PS4 / PS3: –
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: –
GTA 5: All codes for cars, vehicles and planes
When creating vehicles, you have to make sure that you have enough space. For example, if you try to call a garbage truck in a narrow alley or a helicopter in a building, it just won’t work. It is best to go out onto a wide street, a parking lot or into the open area, then you shouldn’t have any problems with spawning vehicles of any kind.
GTA 5 cars
Pfister Comet call (sports car)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-266-38
- Console command (PC): COMET
- PS4 / PS3: R1, circle, R2, right, L1, L2, cross, cross, square, R1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, B, RT, right, LB, LT, A, A, X, RB
Call Trashmaster (garbage truck)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-872-433
- Console command (PC): TRASHED
- PS4 / PS3: Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, RB, B, RB, left, left, RB, LB, B, right
Call limousine
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-846-39663
- Console command (PC): VINEWOOD
- PS4 / PS3: R2, right, L2, left, left, R1, L1, circle, right
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, RB, B, RB, left, left, RB, LB, B, right
Call Rapid GT (sports car)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-727-4348
- Console command (PC): RAPIDGT
- PS4 / PS3: R2, L1, circle, right, L1, R1, right, left, circle, R2
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: RT, LB, B, right, LB, RB, right, left, B, RT
Calling Caddy (golf cart)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-4653-461
- Console command (PC): HOLEIN1
- PS4 / PS3: circle, L1, left, R1, L2, cross, R1, L1, circle, cross
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, LB, left, RB, LT, A, RB, LB, B, A
Call Duke O’Death (Muscle Car)
Only available after Tonya’s Stranger-and-Freaks Mission “A Favor in Tow”
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-3328-4227
- Console command (PC): DEATHCAR
- PS4 / PS3: –
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: –
GTA 5 – Motorcycles and Bicycles
Calling Maibatsu Sanchez (Motorcross Bike)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-633-7623
- Console command (PC): OFFROAD
- PS4 / PS3: Circle, Cross, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, A, LB, B, B, LB, B, RB, RT, LT, LB, LB
Shitzu PCJ-600 call (motorcycle)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-762-538
- Console command (PC): ROCKET
- PS4 / PS3: R1, right, left, right, R2, left, right, square, right, L2, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: RB, right, left, right, RT, left, right, X, right, LT, LB, LB
Call BMX bike
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-226-348
- Console command (PC): BANDIT
- PS4 / PS3: left, left, right, right, left, right, square, circle, triangle, R1, R2
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: left, left, right, right, left, right, X, B, Y, RB, RT
GTA 5 – planes and helicopters
Call Buzzard (attack helicopter)
- Telefonnummer (PC): 1-999-289-9633
- Console command (PC): BUZZOFF
- PS4 / PS3: R1, circle, R2, right, L1, L2, cross, cross, square, R1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, B, LB, B, B, B, LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y
Mallard rufen (Stuntflugzeug)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-2276-78676
- Console command (PC): BARNSTORM
- PS4 / PS3: circle, L1, left, R1, L2, cross, R1, L1, circle, cross
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: B, right, LB, LT, left, RB, LB, LB, left, left, A, Y
Call Duster (double decker)
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-3597-7729
- Console command (PC): FLYSPRAY
- PS4 / PS3: right, left, R1, R1, R1, left, triangle, triangle, cross, circle, L1, L1
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: right, left, RB, RB, RB, left, Y, Y, A, B, LB, LB
Call Dodo (seaplane)
Only available after Trevor mission “The Nervous Ron”
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-398-4628
- Console command (PC): EXTINCT
- PS4 / PS3: –
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: –
- Ships and boats
Call Kraken (submarine)
Only available after you have photographed all wild animals
- Telephone number (PC): 1-999-282-2537
- Console command (PC): BUBBLES
- PS4 / PS3: –
- Xbox One / Xbox 360: –
This is how you enter cheats on PC and consoles
Since Rockstar Games is still one of the few game manufacturers that allow cheating, it is relatively easy to activate it. Basically, it just depends on which platform you are playing GTA 5 on. First of all: It is best to create a clean score beforehand, because you cannot collect any further trophies after entering a cheat. With the consoles you only have to press the respective keys in a certain order, while you use either the command console or the smartphone on the PC. Here are the details:
Entering GTA cheats on the PC : Here you have two options. Either you pull out your smartphone in the game or use the input console. If you want to use the mobile phone, simply switch to the contacts and type in the corresponding phone number (without hyphens) of your desired cheat. Then press the space bar to confirm and the cheat should be activated. Alternatively, you can also use the circumflex key (^) to call up the command console in the game, type in the desired cheat code (not the telephone number) and confirm with Enter.
Entering GTA cheats on the consoles : It’s best to use the D-Pad (digital control pad) to enter the different directions. You can also use the stick, but the possibility of a mistake is significantly greater. You can take your time with the input, but you should avoid too long pauses, otherwise it won’t work. If this happens, just try again. If a cheat has several levels, then simply use the cheat several times to increase the level.
Is there a money cheat in GTA 5?
You have probably noticed that among all the many cheats there is no code to be found that helps your budget on the jumps. While this was still possible in older parts, Rockstar Games put a stop to it, so you won’t find a money cheat either. So unfortunately you have to put the dream of becoming a millionaire in a few seconds in your school notebook.
But that doesn’t mean that you can’t become a multimillionaire anyway. The game itself offers you a lot of opportunities to make a lot of money. At the forefront of this is speculation on the stock market, which may eat up a bit of time, but yield a few millions. In addition, there are lucrative investments in side missions, car theft, robberies, races and events.
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