Strange vpn is one of the most popular app to use your desire host file. This app mainly used to hide your privacy from in game data or server. Strange VPN mainly used to reduce the risk of ban in any online game by uploading a desire host file.
This app is a part of game hacking so you require this app in your device. Strange vpn apk works with an external host file, without host file you cannot procced this app anymore. Strange vpn comes with some functional update such as whole tune your device, means this app will prevent your device from virus or malware.
I found strange vpn a very good and require app for game hackers. This will surely reduce your ban risk in online games such as PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, COD Mobile, Knives out and many more. If you ask me that this app works for me? then my simple answer is ‘yes’. I love this app and the second things this app doesn’t have any ad, so use it without any interruptions.
How it works?
I already told you that this app requires a host.txt file which contains the ip-address and connecting domain. So this will helps strange vpn to connect to the server and also help user to bypass the ban. This app doesn’t require root access which is best thing for non rooted users.
How to download Strange vpn apk?
To download the strange vpn apk click the below given download button, and wait for some seconds while our server procced your download request. This is very simple and easy way to download the files.
- Whole Device Tuner
- Unlimited Use
- Support 32bit
- Support 64bit
- IPv4 Support
- IPv6 Support
- Reduce Ban
- Fast Connect
- Less Bugs
Strange VPN Host app download link is given below, so use this app to reduce your ban risk. If you face any error or bug then contact us. We will check your feedback and we surely work on this app to reduce error or bugs.
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